Deck Sheets Know When To Replace Your Roof Deck

13 Dec

Deck Sheets Know When to Replace Your Roof Deck

A roof deck, though not visible, plays an important role in offering support and restraint for the roofing system. It aids in upholding the entire roof structure and maintains its integrity. A metal deck roof is often the most preferred form of roof decking that offers a host of benefits. However, even though it usually stands the test of time, there are certain situations that necessitate the need for its replacement. Being aware of such conditions is imperative as it can help you to avoid mishaps in the future and also will aid in saving money.

Before diving into details let us first understand what a roof deck really is. A roof deck, also known as sheathing, is placed directly below the felt underlayment and above the rafters. It is one of the important components that holds the several elements of a roofing system together. It is required to be strong enough to manage the weight of the different components of a roof and therefore a metal deck roof is a fine option that delivers as per expectations. A roof deck also helps regulate moisture by keeping rain or snow at bay and letting the excess moisture to evaporate.

Now let’s get to the common signs of damage that indicate the need of replacement:

  • Water leaks
  • Rotting of roof trusses
  • Molds in the attic
  • Infestation of insects
  • Water stains on walls and ceilings
  • Holes in the roof
  • Missing parts of the roof
  • Sagging of roof that is visible both from the exterior and the interior
  • Deterioration around fixtures such as skylights, vent pipes and more
  • Ways Through Roof Decking Gets Damaged

    • One of the most common causes of roof deck damage is excessive moisture in the interiors that build due to inadequate ventilation in the attic. Over a period of time, the moisture can make the decking weak especially when it is thin.
    • Damage to the roof deck also takes place due to missing parts of the roof as a result of excessive high winds, extreme heat or age. Usually roofs have a lifespan of 20 years, however, the lifespan of every roof varies depending on the quality of installation, materials used and the surrounding climate.
    • Another important factor that not many are aware about but contributes to the damage are solar panels. While a solar installation can help you save on energy cost and alleviate your carbon footprint, it is quite heavy. The extra weight and pressure can cause your deck to split or bend. The cost of repairing on the other hand will also be a major concern because it will not be easy on your pocket.

    A roof deck is a core structure of a roof- an abode's personal shield. Hence, extra care should be taken to maintain it and timely inspection must be done to ensure its good condition. This is one of the common pieces of advice that is given by everymetal deck manufacturer as they’re acquainted with the prominent role that a roof deck plays.

    By Admin
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