Tips To Design Architectural Facades For Better Utility

28 April

Tips to Design Architectural Facades for Better Utility

A facade is the exterior of the building that gives it its identity. Structural stability, space utilization and energy consumption are some of the things that go into designing a building. Moreover, the design is a crucial part of the process as it performs several important functions and at the same time gives a structure an aesthetic appeal that adds to the personality. Therefore, the designing of the facade must be done optimally that’ll help you achieve an incredible structure. Here are a few things one must keep in mind while designing an architectural facade for your building:

1. Increasing customer traffic

It is important for all important for all public buildings malls, hotels, restaurants, amusement parks, theme parks etc. to have a facade that attracts people. For instance, facades made of fiberglass, and other materials that are transparent allow the outsiders to take a glimpse at the inside of the restaurant, its offerings and even satisfied customers, etc. This attracts them and compels them to go inside.

2. Increasing privacy

There are various organizations like banks, security offices, government organizations, and military quarters, etc where maintaining privacy is the key to proper functioning. Mirrored glass, stained glass, steel paneling, cement, solid marble, etc are a few types of facades that can be used for such buildings. To beautify these buildings, decorative steel panels, sculpted cement, etc can be added.

3. Showcasing Products

Window shopping is extremely important when it comes to retail stores. Such stores must have architectural facade systems that help in showcasing the products to passers-by. This allows potential customers to have a look at the products and attract others to walk into the store.

4. Differentiating yourself from the competitors

The look of your building might help you stand apart and ahead of your competition. A different and nice look might help you get your customers excited to enter your building. When your building is situated on a tourist spot or there are a hundred competitors in the same locality, it is important to have a look that sets your building apart. This generally is the case with hotels or resorts. Having a pretty view might make your building easily recognizable, convenient to locate, more liked to be recommended and talked about.

5. Environmental Consciousness

Your building’s roof and facade are the two areas that can be used to benefit the environment. Setting up solar panels on your facade and roof can help you reduce your expenditure and carbon footprints as well. Exterior facade systems can also be used as climate control. Closing them in the warm weather can help keep your building cool while keeping them open in cool weather will let the building warm up naturally and get ample amount of light. This can also help you save up on heating and lighting costs.

Building facades have a lot of benefits from saving up various costs to increasing revenue. A well-designed and constructed facade can showcase the best elements of the building. On the other hand, an improper facade can bring down the architectural design of the entire building. Therefore, it is very important to be careful while finalizing the design of your facade and taking into consideration all the essential things.

By Admin
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